“Marine Education Research Special Issue Call for Paper
“Marine Education Research Special Issue
Call for Paper
"Journal of Ningbo University" (Educational Science Edition) was founded in 1979. It is a bimonthly publication and is published on the 10th of every single month. For public publication and distribution at China and international (ISSN: 1008-0627 (international); CN33-1214/G4 (China)). As a comprehensive educational academic journal sponsored by Ningbo University, this journal takes "frontier, exploring new" as its characteristic direction, encourages interdisciplinary research, and is determined to create a high-quality educational academic journal. This journal focuses on academic innovation and focuses on educational hotspots. It publishes educational history, basic theories of education, higher education, education management, educational technology, adult education, comparative education, curriculum pedagogy, basic education, vocational education, preschool education, psychology, Research articles on educational psychology, etc. It is now the "National Local College Journal" and "National Journal of Social Science Journal Featured issues of National Colleges and Universities". It was indexed to CNKI, Wanfang Database, VIP Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database, Chaoxing Database, etc. This journal does not charge page fees, and insists on excellent manuscripts, premium remuneration and fast editing of excellent manuscripts. This journal is the publication position of innovative academic achievements in education.
The "Marine Education Research" special issue is a permanent feature issue created by "Journal of Ningbo University" (Education Science Edition). It is co-organized with the Asian Marine Educators Association(AMEA). It brings together international experts and scholars in the field of marine education. The special issue of marine education has a high influence in the marine education field. The number of words is about 12,000 Chinese or 8,000 English. The paper emphasizes academic and educational nature, and requires academic viewpoints and internal logic system to be fully discussed. The submission website is http://journaljk.nbu.edu.cn, you need to register first and then log in. It is recommended to use browsers such as Google and Sogou. Please download and view the specific paper format on the submission website.
Any question please feel free to let us know. amea.asia.info@gmail.com
《宁波大学学报》(教育科学版)创办于1979年,双月刊,逢单月10日出版,面向国内外公开出版发行,刊号为:ISSN 1008-0627(国际);CN33-1214/G4(国内),作为宁波大学主办的综合性教育类学术期刊,本刊以“前沿、探新”为特色方向,鼓励跨学科融合研究,立志打造一份高品位、高质量的教育类学术期刊。本刊注重学术创新、关注教育热点,刊登教育史、教育基本理论、高等教育学、教育管理、教育技术、成人教育、比较教育、课程教学论、基础教育、职业教育、学前教育、心理学、教育心理学等方面的研究文章。本刊在继续提升“高等教育”“心理学”等特色栏目质量的同时,继续办好“海洋教育研究”特色专栏,开设“教育史前沿研究”“教科书研究”“教育现代化2035”“一流本科教学”“终身教育研究”“心学教育研究”“思政课教育教学研究”“高考改革”“家庭教育研究”“民办教育研究”“脑科学与认知科学”等专题。现为“全国地方高校名刊”“全国高校社科期刊特色栏目学报”,已加入中国知网、万方数据库、维普中文科技期刊数据库、超星数据库等。本刊不收版面费,坚持优稿优酬、优稿快编。本刊是教育学科创新性学术成果的发表阵地。